Strengthening water infrastructure
Inland waterways key to jobs, farming, economic development, recreation
Our country’s infrastructure systems are in critical need of updating. Fortunately, infrastructure is one of the few things that truly has bipartisan support in Washington.
My colleagues and I have stressed to the administration that it’s time to broaden the scope of traditional infrastructure investment. The response has been positive. We agree that Washington can no longer only fund the traditional three “Rs” of infrastructure: roads, rails and runways. Infrastructure plans for the 21st century must incorporate broadband internet access, modernization of our electric grid and improvements to water infrastructure systems.
An American Society of Civil Engineers study estimates $271 billion in wastewater infrastructure funding is needed over the next 20 years to meet current and future demand. The analysis indicates an additional $1 trillion will be needed over the next 25 years to maintain and expand drinking water services.
Read more here: https://bit.ly/346DsDr