ARRA Statement
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009) and Buy American Act (1933)
JM Eagle is proud to certify that all PVC/PE piping products produced by JM Eagle are manufactured in the United States of America, using PVC/PE resin and its compounding ingredients that are purchased from the open market in the USA from domestic producers, within the meaning of the Buy American provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
The Buy American Act of 1933 requires the federal government to buy American–made iron, steel, and manufactured goods wherever possible. A product is defined as American–made under “Buy American” if at least 50 percent of its constituent parts and/or materials originated in the US. Since 1933, several additions to that policy have been enacted, and a body of policy, procedure, and case law has developed. Federal contractors have had to operate within this framework. Additionally, in the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, a separate policy known as “Buy America” was enacted. It governs procurements that are funded through the Department of Transportation, such as highway, bridge, rail, and transit construction. A product is defined as American–made under “Buy America” if all of its manufacturing processes, constituent parts and/or materials originated in the US.
In 2009, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, created yet another standard, which applied to all projects with Recovery Act funds (both direct federal and federal–aid). This new Recovery Act standard is distinct from the others in that it supersedes the other two requirements where they would normally apply, establishes a new definitions of American–made, and applies the requirement to sectors of the construction market that have never had to comply with either of the previous requirements before.