EPA announces $108M to improve water quality in the California Delta
Nationally, EPA’s 32 WIFIA loans are helping finance more than $13 billion in water infrastructure projects.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced a $108 million Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) loan to the Stockton Public Financing Authority to help modernize the city’s wastewater treatment facility and reduce nitrogen discharges to the San Joaquin River. With this loan, EPA is supporting a regionally significant project that will improve water quality and support public health and the economies of the California Delta.
“With the support of the WIFIA program, the City of Stockton will be able to upgrade the wastewater plant’s aging infrastructure,” said EPA Pacific Southwest Regional Administrator John Busterud. “These upgrades will not only improve working conditions for employees but also serve to protect the water quality in the California Delta.”
“Since the first WIFIA loan closed in April 2018, the program has become increasingly efficient and has established itself as a valuable tool to help finance needed water infrastructure improvements across the country,” said EPA Assistant Administrator for Water David Ross. “EPA’s 32 WIFIA loans are providing $6 billion in credit assistance to help finance $13 billion for water infrastructure while creating more than 28,000 jobs and saving ratepayers $3.6 billion.”
Read more here: https://www.waterworld.com/drinking-water/infrastructure-funding/press-r...