Michigan governor releases $500 million water infrastructure plan
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced a $500 million plan Thursday to upgrade drinking water and wastewater infrastructure in Michigan that includes actions such as replacing lead service lines and removing chemical pollutants.
The initiative, dubbed MI Clean Water, calls for creating a pot of money from which local governments could apply for grants or loans to improve their water treatment systems.
It would draw on a variety of sources, including federal funds and state-issued bonds. Approval from the Republican-controlled legislature would be needed for use of some funding. But no new appropriations or tax increases are required, state officials said.
“The MI Clean Water investment will help us rebuild Michigan’s water infrastructure and will prioritize and invest directly into protecting our public health, environment, and economy,” Whitmer said in a statement.
“It’s time for the Legislature to take bold actions to invest in Michigan’s infrastructure and protect our water from toxic contamination,” the Democratic governor said. “Michiganders are tired of waiting for action; the time is now.”
Read more here: https://www.wizmnews.com/2020/10/04/michigan-governor-releases-500-milli...