Short Form Installation Guide and Warning
Please view Installation Warning before proceeding.
JM Eagle™ Ring-Tite PVC Pipe
This information is furnished in order to provide a brief review of the installation requirements for JM Eagle™ Ring-Tite PVC pipe. This is not a replacement for the full version JM Eagle™ Installation Guide. Please refer to the complete Installation Guide or contact JM Eagle™ Product Assurance directly.
- Check to see that the rubber gasket is properly seated in the bell groove, and that the bell and spigot are clean before assembly.
- Apply the approved lubricant to the spigot end of the pipe only, paying particular attention to the bevel. The coating should be equivalent to a brush coat of enamel.
- Assemble the joint to the black reference mark only.
- If undue resistance to insertion of the spigot is encountered, or the reference mark does not reach the flush position, disassemble the joint and check the position of the rubber gasket.
- There is no angular deflection allowed in the pipe joint. Any curvature of the line is attained by bending the body of the pipe – Do Not Bend At The Joint! Exception: Pipe 14” and larger can be installed with an angular deflection at the joint of up to 1.5 degrees.
- Prior to backfilling, check to see that the reference mark is flush with the end of the bell.
This form in no way replaces the full version JM Eagle™ Installation Guide. For a full version Installation Guide, contact your Distributor or call JM Eagle™ Product Assurance at (800) 621-4404.
JM Eagle™ Solvent Weld Pipe
Solvent Weld pipe should be assembled in accordance with ASTM D2855 Practice for Making SolventCemented Joints with Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe and Fittings.
JM Eagle™ Perma-Loc Pipe
Perma-Loc should be installed in accordance with JM Eagle™ Publication TR-406B, “Perma-Loc Installation Guide: Sewer & Storm Drain”. To obtain a copy of this publication, please contact your Distributor or JM Eagle™ Product Assurance at (800) 621-4404.